
来源:才华咖  本文已影响1.65W人 



improvement; pickup


The patient did not respond to treatment.

病人经治疗後未见起色。The patient failed to respond to the medicine.

病人服了这药未见起色。The patient did not respond to treatment.

病人经治疗后未见起色 Motor Company is finally back on its feet after years of low sales.

"多年销售业绩低落之后,福特汽车公司总算有了起色。"With the advent of the new chairman, the company began to prosper

随着新主席的到来,公司也开始有了起色With the advent of the new chairman,the company begin to prosper.

随著新主席的到来,公司也开始有了起色。Despite these measures,the economy remains in the doldrums.

尽管采取了这些措施,经济状况仍然毫无起色 horse was on his feet now but the water did not seem to have refreshed him much.

那骑马现在已经站起来了,可是它尽管饮了些水也不见有多大的起色。 They hoped to remedy their lacklustre performance by a few changes in personnel.

他们希望做若干人事调动来改进毫无起色的工作表现。"Sadly, 15 years of democratic rule have not helped the country's economy pick up."


n. 改进,改善;增进

There is still room for improvement.

还有改进的.余地。 Technical advances improve productivity.

技术进步提高生产力。 Her service has improved.

她的发球有了提高。This can be improved by the addition of an adjuvant.

这可以从增效剂上加以改进。 We hope to effect an improvement.


n. 轻型货车;好转;接人;收取物品;唱机唱头;搭车(者);搭讪

adj. 临时凑成的

It is a pickup orchestra.

它是一支临时性管弦乐队。A pickup in sales.

销售量好转 There was a pickup waiting for her.

有一辆货车在等她。There's a pickup attached to it.

还附带一只电唱机。It was a pickup baseball game.


